CEDA Dredging Days 2024

Dredging in a changing world
Leading science and business in the dredging industry

Programme components

27-29 May 2024, WTC Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands


Non-paper sessions will cover topics such as: Artificial Intelligence, sustainability, reservoir dredging, safety, decarbonisation and early contractor involvement.

SESSION 2: The Future of AI in Dredging
Explore the future of dredging with AI during the Young CEDA session. What are the effects of AI on the dredging sector in the near future, and what will the far future look like? Participate in interactive group sessions and contribute to shaping the future of dredging together with a panel of AI experts within and outside the dredging sector. A special appearance will be made by ChatGPT on the expert panel. 

SESSION 3: Sustainability Managers Debate
Sustainability Managers will be invited to discuss the latest topics in relation to sustainable project development in the dredging industry. The session will be introduced by invited speakers related to the industry, whereafter the panel can reflect, with active participation from the audience.

SESSION 4: Reservoir Dredging: Addressing Decades of Neglect
Join us for a transformative session on the Guideline on Reservoir Dredging. Explore solutions to decades of neglect in managing reservoir sedimentation, crucial for sustainable dam systems. Discover innovative approaches from initial survey, dredging methods to material management, addressing water storage loss, hydro-power impacts, flood control, and ecosystem health. Engage in lively discussion to shape a sustainable future for global reservoirs."

SESSION 10: Safety
Safety is an increasingly important topic and during this session we seek to share safety culture perspectives and information, raise awareness, and facilitate collaboration between safety and operations professionals worldwide.

SESSION 12: Decarbonisation: Chicken and Egg Dilemma 
How to overcome the chicken and egg dilemma in decarbonisation and step into the future as first mover? What are the options and hurdles for contractors, shipbuilders, fuel suppliers, clients and their consultants and financiers? Can supply of post-fossil fuels be guaranteed, and if so what would be the effect of using these on project costs? What are views from society on the pathway to net-zero and the related costs? Take up the role of one of the stakeholders and participate actively to embody the collective challenges and opportunities on the path of decarbonisation.

SESSION 14: Early Contractor Involvement – how to start interaction and collaboration
Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) is a contracting strategy to optimize values in project delivery and objectives through participation and knowledge sharing of the contractor in early stages of project planning and design, prior to the execution of the project. The aim of this session on ECI is to explore the conditions and application of ECI and how to start this form of interaction and collaboration where parties like the contractor and consultant work together with the client. Jaap de Koning (Witteveen+Bos, co-author Model Agreement Bouwteam DG2020) and Andrea Chao (Bird&Bird, co-author Model Agreement Bouwteam DG2020 and chair FIDIC working group on ECI) will give an overview of the latest developments in ECI. This theoretical introduction and examples of reference projects will be intermezzos in an interactive discussion with balance between countries where ECI is already used and where this form of contract is relatively new.

SESSION 17: Young CEDA Pitch Talks
Students and young professionals (under 35 years of age) will present ongoing work, expose their ideas to a broad audience and get immediate feedback and inspiration. A variety of topics related to dredging will be covered, with presentations being given in Pecha Kucha style: in less than 7 minutes (20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each).



Paper sessions will address the following topics:

SESSION 5: Coastal and Inland Flood Protection
Climate changes are increasing flood risks and the dredging industry is well placed to be a major player in the development and implementation of sustainable mitigation measures. Especially when it comes to nature-based solutions in which dredged materials are considered as a building-block, combined or not with vegetation, such as Maramm Grasses and Mangroves, or with reef-building organisms. Case studies and new concepts will be presented to demonstrate the potentialities offered by nature-based solutions.

SESSION 6: Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Aspects of Dredging
These topics are essential in any dredging conference. We will present practical cases, addressing – amongst others – adaptive management, flexible disposal, circular economy principles and minimisation of environmental impacts.

SESSION 7 and 15: Energy Transition and Decarbonisation
Energy transition, emission control and decarbonisation are bringing both challenges, and opportunities, for the modern dredging industry. The challenges are linked to feasible fuels for tomorrow, the development of hybrid power supply systems and the implementation of the net zero emission (NZE) principles. The opportunities in energy transition, on the other hand, consider new types of infrastructures, such as offshore interconnectors and energy-islands. We are sure the latest insights in this wide variety of domains will trigger your curiosity.

SESSION 8: Dredging Technologies and Processes
Dredging technology is a constant learning process in all fields of application: rock-dredging, agitation-dredging, fall-pipe rock placement or cohesive soil dredging and every project pushes our limits even further. This is also the case for topics such as the design of centrifugal pumps, production-metering, turbidity generation or the integrated landscape design of dredging and reclamation. We will present some of the latest developments.

SESSION 9: Natural Resources and Reservoir Dredging
The world is becoming more conscious that natural resources are not endless and that they should be cherished. In particular, marine and river sand resources – used, for example, in the construction industry – and deep-sea mineral resources, need special care and adapted management. Therefore, new techniques, monitoring tools and environmental impact assessment methods are currently being developed. Hereto, better knowledge about the dynamics of sediments, and in particular, the fine-grained sediments, is crucial. New insights will be presented.

Only 0.5% of water on Earth is useable and available freshwater. Reservoirs form a vital part of the useable and available fresh water around the world, but what are the risk factors for reservoirs?

SESSION 13: Land Reclamation, Beneficial Use and Dredging for Civil Infrastructure
Dredged materials, whether considered as suitable or non-suitable, offer today a valuable resource for constructing our future. Especially the fine-grained dredged materials, whether dewatered, stabilized with additives, desalinated or transformed into a clay-like soil, offer a wide variety of practical applications in the spirit of circular economy. Our authors will present you with the latest technical and scientific highlights related to this.

SESSION 16: Data-Driven Technology and Adaptive Management
Data and machine-learning systems offer new resources for the optimisation of equipment and concepts. Latest developments in dredging vessel design, life-cycle engineering and the concept of sedimentation basins, will highlight the potentialities of these modern tools.

CEDA Environment Commission has launched a working group on recent advances in Adaptive Management of environmental aspects of dredging and reclamation works. The working group will present the resulting information paper on the benefits and requirements for such (Pro-Active) Adaptive management.


Last update: 8 April 2024